A Few Great Software Programs for Internet Marketing.
EBONews - Thursday, Aug. 2, 2007
In this Issue:
- Alexa Toolbar for Firefox
- Free HTML Editor
- New Technology
I use both Firefox and IE to access different sites, however
I use Firefox for the majority of my online surfing. I run the
Alexa toolbar on my IE browser and was disappointed that
there was not a version for Firefox.
Well, now there is!
Alexa toolbar for Firefox
I like the Alexa toolbar because it gives you instant feedback
about a site. Also, since Alexa gives information about your
traffic rank, in the past it could not do it accurately with only
IE. It was missing all the traffic your site received from
visitors who used Firefox, which became a very popular
browser for many. So the more people installing the
toolbar for Firefox, the more accurate your traffic rank
should be. You may find you are getting a much better
Alexa ranking now.
The Alexa toolbar for Firefox is called "Sparky". When you
click on "Install" you may get a warning from Firefox that it
could be malicious software or that Sparky was blocked from
downloading. This is a regular security message. Accept Sparky
to be added to your allowed sites and your Alexa toolbar will
show up in the right bottom corner of the browser.
To get Sparky to show up in my Firefox browser, I had to click
on "File", then "Open File" and go the location where I saved
"alexa-statusbar.xpi", click on it, then click on "Open" and then
it installed.
If you are using IE and would like to install the Alexa
Toolbar, you can get it here:
Have you had a chance to see this new online marketing
technology yet?
It can boost your sales by 327%!
I just love this new technology and I have been having a
great time implementing it on my websites.
I had a problem at first. The code is very long and my
HTML Editor was breaking it into 4 lines as it exceeded
it's sentence width.
But, Mark Hendricks so kindly helped me set up. He checked
my pages and seen where the code was breaking and he sent
me a link to a great free HTML Editor called NoteTab Light.
You can get it at:
It has a feature where you can highlight the code, then click
on "Modify" and then select "Join Lines".
With Mark's help I was up and running in no time. Thank
you, Mark!
If you want to see this new technology in action, go to
That is all for today. I hope you all have a great weekend.
I know I will, my daughter who I haven't seen in over two
years is coming home for a 10 day visit! My nephew who
I haven't seen in a year is also coming for a visit. I expect
lots of family, friends and fun this weekend. We are having
an outdoor appreciation party for the employees of our
offline business and our daughter, son, grandson, nephew
and more will be here too!
To your success,
Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources
In this Issue:
- Alexa Toolbar for Firefox
- Free HTML Editor
- New Technology
I use both Firefox and IE to access different sites, however
I use Firefox for the majority of my online surfing. I run the
Alexa toolbar on my IE browser and was disappointed that
there was not a version for Firefox.
Well, now there is!
Alexa toolbar for Firefox
I like the Alexa toolbar because it gives you instant feedback
about a site. Also, since Alexa gives information about your
traffic rank, in the past it could not do it accurately with only
IE. It was missing all the traffic your site received from
visitors who used Firefox, which became a very popular
browser for many. So the more people installing the
toolbar for Firefox, the more accurate your traffic rank
should be. You may find you are getting a much better
Alexa ranking now.
The Alexa toolbar for Firefox is called "Sparky". When you
click on "Install" you may get a warning from Firefox that it
could be malicious software or that Sparky was blocked from
downloading. This is a regular security message. Accept Sparky
to be added to your allowed sites and your Alexa toolbar will
show up in the right bottom corner of the browser.
To get Sparky to show up in my Firefox browser, I had to click
on "File", then "Open File" and go the location where I saved
"alexa-statusbar.xpi", click on it, then click on "Open" and then
it installed.
If you are using IE and would like to install the Alexa
Toolbar, you can get it here:
Have you had a chance to see this new online marketing
technology yet?
It can boost your sales by 327%!
I just love this new technology and I have been having a
great time implementing it on my websites.
I had a problem at first. The code is very long and my
HTML Editor was breaking it into 4 lines as it exceeded
it's sentence width.
But, Mark Hendricks so kindly helped me set up. He checked
my pages and seen where the code was breaking and he sent
me a link to a great free HTML Editor called NoteTab Light.
You can get it at:
It has a feature where you can highlight the code, then click
on "Modify" and then select "Join Lines".
With Mark's help I was up and running in no time. Thank
you, Mark!
If you want to see this new technology in action, go to
That is all for today. I hope you all have a great weekend.
I know I will, my daughter who I haven't seen in over two
years is coming home for a 10 day visit! My nephew who
I haven't seen in a year is also coming for a visit. I expect
lots of family, friends and fun this weekend. We are having
an outdoor appreciation party for the employees of our
offline business and our daughter, son, grandson, nephew
and more will be here too!
To your success,
Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources
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