EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Perfect Classified Ad

The following is a good article by Dr. Nunley with
tips on writing your perfect classified ad. This article
caught my eye because this is what I have been doing
and it does work.

Once I got my "perfect ad" I have been posting it for a
very long time in the Free Classifieds and it still brings
the responses. So there is no sense in trying to improve

The Perfect Classified Ad

by Kevin Nunley

Ever notice a classified ad that appears over and over, week
after week? It is somebody's Perfect Classified Ad. It may
not be a literary thing of beauty, or even an ad that is very
appealing--but for some reason it gets sales for its owner.
Getting your Perfect Classified Ad will come easier if you
follow a simple plan.

Write your ad in complete sentences. Then cut out non-
essential words to make your ad the required length. Start
sentences with action words. Use short phrases.

While you are at it, write several versions of your classified
ad. I usually try to knock out six at a time.

Next, test your ads. Run them all on free ad sites, in ezines,
newspapers, or magazines. Be sure to include a code in
your response info so you will know which ad produced the
inquiry or sale.

Once you find an ad that works well, leave it alone. Resist
the temptation to tweak an ad that is already successful.
Don't worry if you or your associates become bored with
the ad. Your audience is not as close to the ad and is
only assured by its repetition.
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