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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

3 Big Mistakes Readers of "The Science of Getting Rich Make"

Recently resurrected from its relative obscurity,
Wallace D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old
classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich",
has quickly become *THE* book to read on the subject
of getting rich.


Most of those who read this powerful book won't get rich.


But absolutely true!

Why not, you ask?

The answer is simple...

They make one or more of these three big mistakes:

Big Mistake #1 - They read edited, revised, and/or
poorly done versions of "The Science of Getting Rich".

There are a number of versions of "The Science of
Getting Rich" available both offline and online,
many of which are edited, revised, and/or poorly done
containing serious errors.

In order for you to get rich scientifically, using
"The Science of Getting Rich", it's vitally important
that you follow Wallace D. Wattles' "system" *exactly*
as Wallace D. Wattles originally wrote it, *NOT* as
some "co-author", editor, scanner, and/or translator
decided that it should've been written.


If you want to get results from "The Science of Getting

My advice is to...

Only read versions of "The Science of Getting Rich"
that were taken, with care, directly from the original
and that haven't been edited, revised, and/or translated.

Big Mistake #2 - They mix systems.

In Chapter 10 of "The Science of Getting Rich" ("Further
Use of the Will"), Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

"Others still are poor because, while they have some
notion of science, they have become so swamped and
lost in the maze of metaphysical and occult theories
that they do not know which road to take. They try a
mixture of many systems and fail in all."

Here's the deal...

If you want results from "The Science of Getting Rich",
it's vitally important that you follow the *one* "system"
Wallace D. Wattles laid out in it and follow that *one*
system *ONLY*!


As Wallace D. Wattles wrote later in the same chapter:

"After you have made good and become rich, you may
study other systems as much as you please; but until
you are quite sure that you have gained what you want,
do not read anything on this line but this book, unless
it be the authors mentioned in the Preface."

I've found this to be wise advice...

As a matter of fact...

It's some of the wisest advice that I've ever read. :-)

Big Mistake #3 - They don't take action.

And this one's the "biggie"...

Most folks who read "The Science of Getting Rich"...

Absolutely love the book...

They love to read it...

They love to study it...

They love to talk about it...

They love to theorize about it...

They love to philosophize about it...


When it comes down to taking action on its proven
scientific principles...


They never get around to believing the fundamental
principles on which it's based...

They never get around to getting off the competitive
plane of life...

They never get around to creating a vision of what
they want...

They never get around to taking action with faith
and purpose...

They never get around to taking efficient action...



They never get the results it promises!

Don't let that be you. :-)

About the Author:

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life"
ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles
"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles
together with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of
Being Well", "The Science of Being Great", "How to
Promote Yourself", "The New Science of Living and
Healing" and "Hell-fire Harrison". Click Here