EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Friday, September 29, 2006

EBONews - Marketing Strategies

EBONews - Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In This Issue:

- Marketing Strategies article

- The Secret to Building a Highly Profitable Business


Here's a new article with some excellent advice:

"Discover How Even A Brand New Online Business Can
Make 1000’s of Dollars with These Little-known Internet
Marketing Strategies!" By Ambrose Ariagiegbe

Ambrose Ariagiegbe is a recognized authority on the subject
of Internet marketing. His website, http://tinyurl.com/nojmb
is jam-packed with valuable informational articles and resources
on all you need to know about Internet marketing.

If you’re just starting out on the Internet, you probably
have one big question on your mind; “where do I start
from?” Well, I’ve heard webmasters ask that question
time and time again. This article will help you get started
on the right foot with your Internet business. I’m going to
show you simple steps to take and start earning 1000’s
of dollars immediately – even if you’re brand new to
computers. And I’m not kidding! These are little-known
internet marketing strategies. Alright, without any further
ado, let’s go!

To read this article go to

"The Secret to Building a Highly Profitable Business"
By Tony Mase

Tony is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.Wattles
and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life" ebook
by Wallace D. Wattles http://tinyurl.com/lfcjc

The first business of any business is to make a profit...

Plain and simple!

Think about it...

Regardless of what kind of business it is, regardless of
whether it's selling a product or a service, regardless of
whether it's doing business online or offline, if a business
isn't making a profit it doesn't have any reason to exist,
does it?


To read this article go to

You can get the Affiliate Cash Secrets ebook, Free Traffic
Secrets Training Manual and the Affiliate Organizer Software.
for free (a $97 Value) at

That is all for today.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Online marketing resources, advertising and promotion,
home business tips, ideas and more.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

EBONews - It's Available Now

EBONews - Thursday, September 21, 2006

In This Issue:

- Life After Adsense

- Free Ebook, Traffic Tips, Software

- Free Advertising


Scott Boulch has released "Life After Adsense". This is
Part 2 of the first report "The Death Of Adsense".

Personally, I don't believe that Adsense is actually dead,
however, from reading the report I can see how it will not
be as profitable as it once was.

For that reason, he gives some very wise advice, being
that you should never depend on one income stream.

Actually my Adsense income increased over the past
few months, but that was because I added a lot more
content pages to my sites. So it does take some work
to increase your profits with Adsense, but at the same
time you should be working on creating multiple streams
of income. If one takes a big drop or disappears altogether,
you will still have other sources of income.

Overall, both parts of Scott Boulch's reports are a must
read. They contain valuable online marketing information.

In "Life After Adsense", he tells of a new program that
Google is testing that will provide you with a new way
to earn revenue. This is very interesting and will be
something to watch for.

To get your copy of "Life After Adsense", go here:
If you have not yet read "The Death Of Adsense", you
can also get a copy at the link above.

===> Free Offer

You can get this $97 Value Package for free.

The package includes the
- Affiliate Cash Secrets ebook
- Free Traffic Secrets Training Manual
- Affiliate Organizer Software.

You can download the whole package here:

If you have not yet stopped by The EBO Online
Marketing Forum and placed your free ad, come
on over to

There's been some posts from advertisers, who in my
opinion are very respectable as they are following the
posting rules.

On the other hand, I've had to delete some posts that
were not acceptable. I can't understand why these people
would even waste their time posting such trash when they
know it is going to be deleted. Oh well, I guess they must
have time to waste.

That is all for today.

To your success,

Sue Norrad

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Important! The Death of AdSense.

You are not going to believe this!

I just read a public domain report, that exposes
the reason AdSense income sucks lately, even
though every would be "Guru" on the net
is pushing AdSense products like never before!

The report is called "The Death Of AdSense" and
you can just go grab it from this website.

Go here:

Someone finally stepped up to the plate and told the truth
about Google AdSense.

It's no wonder we haven't been making the kind of income
we thought.

What's really cool is this guy also explains how he
went from a few hundred dollars in AdSense income
to over $50,000 a month after he gave up AdSense!

He's closing the doors on the report, so go grab
one while it's still a live link.

To your success,

Sue Norrad

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

EBONews - 3 Steps to Completely Eliminating Scams from Your Life

EBONews - Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In This Issue:

- Free Recording of Derek Gehl's Tele-seminar

- 3 Steps to Completely Eliminating Scams from Your Life


Derek Gehl's Free tele-seminar call featured an interview
with Amanda Montoya, who attended one of Derek's
Internet marketing bootcamps, made some changes to her
website, newsletter, and business automation -- and
doubled her annual income in 3 days with an email
promotion that generated over $100,000.

I wanted to let all of my subscribers know that Derek
has just made a recording of this call available as a
FREE download, so you can listen to it.

Go to http://www.marketingtips.com/teleseminar/t/8649
You'll have access to the free recording of this call, plus
the details of 2 more Free tele-seminars Derek is hosting
this week.

3 Steps to Completely Eliminating Scams from Your Life
- by Tony Mase

Not long ago, I received a question from one of my
newsletter subscribers that went something like this (I've
edited out the personal details):

"1. What about the Swiss Cash scheme? Trust or don't
trust? Any evidence of previous failure to this scheme?"

"2. I am in debt due to scams. Give me your brightest idea
that won't fail. I need to recover $200,000.00 lost in
transit... appreciate you sir."


I don't know the first thing about the "Swiss Cash scheme"
nor, quite frankly, do I care to.


I do have a "brightest idea that won't fail".

Are you ready?

Here it is...

Stop looking for something for nothing.

Just in case you missed it...

Here it is again...

Stop looking for something for nothing!


I fully realize this statement is rather blunt and some
(especially the questioner) might find it downright harsh.


You know what?

It *really* needs saying!

In a recent month, on the Yahoo! Search Network alone,
439,530 searches were conducted on the word "free".

In addition...

Millions upon millions of searches were conducted the
same month for "free" practically anything you can think
of including (my personal favorite :-)) the 41,817 searches
that were conducted on the term "free money".

What do all these searches have in common?


They were all conducted by people who are looking
for something for nothing. Each and every one of those
searches was conducted by someone who's looking to
get something of value for themselves without giving
anything of value in return.


Because they're looking for something for nothing, they
leave themselves wide open to every scam that comes
down the pike!

Here's the deal...

I believe it was Earl Nightingale who once correctly said,
"The only people who make money work in the mint. The
rest of us must earn money".

In other words...

Money isn't "made"...

It's *earned*!

It's the misunderstanding of this very simple concept that
causes those who are looking for something for nothing to
fall prey to one scam after another.

There's one and only one way to earn money and that's by
providing people with a product or service that's useful to
them... that'll help them live a fuller and more complete

We exchange our product or service for the other person's

That's how we earn money...

It's that simple!


Here's the real secret to earning money...

In his classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich",
Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

"Give every man more in use value than you take from
him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the
world by every business transaction."

"Take an honest pride in doing this, and let everybody
know it; and you will have no lack of customers. People
will go where they are given increase; and the Supreme,
which desires increase in all, and which knows all, will
move toward you men and women who have never heard
of you. Your business will increase rapidly, and you will be
surprised at the unexpected benefits which will come to you.
You will be able from day to day to make larger combinations,
secure greater advantages, and to go on into a more congenial
vocation if you desire to do so."

There you have it...

The *real* secret to earning money...

Lots of it...

Give every person with whom you deal more in use value
than you take from them in cash value.

By giving every person with whom you deal *more* in use
value than you take from them in cash value you're *adding*
to the life of the world with every business transaction.


Here's my advice to this questioner and anyone else who
finds themselves involved in one scam after another...

Step #1 - Stop looking for something for nothing.

Step #2 - Provide people with a product or service that's
useful to them... that'll help them live a fuller and more
complete life.

Step #3 - Give every person with whom you deal more in use
value than you take from them in cash value.


There you have them...

Three simple steps to completely eliminating scams from your

Follow these three simple steps and you'll not only
completely eliminate scams from your life...

You'll open the floodgates for financial abundance to pour
into your life!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life"
ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...
"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles
"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles together
with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of Being Well", "The
Science of Being Great", "How to Promote Yourself", "The New
Science of Living and Healing" and "Hell-fire Harrison".
Click Here

To your success,

Sue Norrad

Thursday, September 07, 2006

EBONews - A new marketing technique.

EBONews - Wednesday, September 6, 2006

In This Issue:

- Promo Code Secrets


The best time of the year for online marketing is
upon us. It's time to put your online promotions
into full gear.

So, I just wanted to show you Promo Code Secrets:

This is another interesting way to increase every
area of your online marketing.

Discover how Keith Wellman made $5500.00 in 12
minutes with the Promo Code Secrets.

There are some incredibly powerful ideas that
I thought would really interest you.

To your success,

Sue Norrad

Friday, September 01, 2006

EBONews - 77 Ways to Get Traffic

EBONews - Friday, September 1, 2006

In This Issue:

- Free - 77 Ways to Get Traffic

- More ways to get traffic

Hello Everyone

Allan Gardyne is giving away his new report
"77 Ways to Get Traffic".

You can download that report here:

With the large list of traffic building techniques in that
report, you should be able to find quite a few interesting
ways to build your website traffic.

You can also find a lot of free traffic builders at the
Everyday Business Online Free Traffic Builders section
and ideas for advertising and promoting your site at the
Everyday Business Online Promotion/Advertising
Resources section

Here is another interesting way to build traffic.
Mike Filsaime is allowing people to advertise on his
blog for free.
This is a very high traffic site, so be sure
to place your ad there. Having a link on a high traffic
site helps with your search engine rankings.

On a final note, I noticed that the new form I put up for
submitting your Free Classifieds site to be included in
The Everyday Business Online Free Classifieds Directory
was not working. It has been fixed.

So if you tried to submit your Classifieds site and never
heard back from me, that was the reason. You can go
here to re-submit it
Remember, this is for the webmasters *only* who
operate a free classiifeds site. You do *not* submit
ads there. You submit your ads to the sites listed in
The Everyday Business Online Free Classifieds Directory

That is all for today. Have a great weekend!

To your success,

Sue Norrad