EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An Interesting Business Idea for you...

EBONews - Tuesday, December 30, 2008


If you are looking for a new business idea for the new
year, you should check this out.

JP Schoeffel was an internet newbie and because of the
idea he came up with, he began making $2000 per week
with no experience, no contacts and no product of his own.
And he will show you how you can do it too.

How did he do it?

He simply began purchasing online marketing products and
writing reviews. Most people do look for reviews of a
product before they purchase. They want to know what
other's think of it, the pros and cons.

But, if you want to do this by yourself, you will spend a lot
of money purchasing the products, a lot of time reading or
watching video and trying the products, then more time
writing your review.

JP Schoeffel makes it easy for you.

He has released "Review-In-A-Box". And you get to try it
now for only a $1.

- You will get professional unbiased reviews, with both good
and bad points about the product.
- Professionally designed templates and graphics.
- Video embedded into the template that thoroughly covers the
product's benefits.
- Professional Copywriting throughout the site.
- Professionally written Articles.
- and more.

Check it out here.

I wish you all a very Happy and Successful New Year!

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Everyday Business Online Free Classifieds
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Monday, December 15, 2008

Make your wish come true!

EBONews - Monday, December 15, 2008

In this Issue:

- How to become a powerful wishmaker

- Using Word Pictures to Breathe Life into Your Marketing


No one has ever been able to explain how those powerful
wishmakers and miracle workers get their powers to achieve
whatever they want out of life and relationships!

Have you ever wished for:
~ More money into your life so your finances may soar?
~ A life companion whom you can share life with and enjoy
a lifetime of ever lasting love?
~ Good health for you to live life to the fullest?
~ A life filled with abundance and good luck?
~ A worry-free life with the ability to fulfill all your dreams?

I just found out a magical eBook and Audio MP3 program
which had changed thousands of lives, and which will teach
you how you can become a powerful wish-maker!

If you think that it is impossible to make your dreams, wishes
and prayers ALL come true, think again!

Concrete proof is available on how people who have made
use of the secret contained within to manifest whatever that
they desire - from more cash, to a car, to a loving relationship...

Now is the time to remove the barriers preventing you from
taking charge of your own life and living life to the fullest.

YOU can become a powerful wish-maker today! Let this
magical eBook teach you how!

FREE instant access today!

It is awesome and I knew you would want to see it too.

Go for it! You'll be glad you did.

Using Word Pictures to Breathe Life into Your Marketing
By Leo Lucianis

Let's say that you've crafted a great headline or subject
line, and your prospect has either opened your email or has
been enticed to read the next line of your sales copy.
Great! Now what? Here's a clue.

The great, Greek shipping tycoon, Aristotelis Onasis was
once reported to have said, "The goal of your business is
to get your customers to see things your way."

>From the world of direct mail, the great Robert Collier
wrote, "... your next problem is to put your idea across,
to make him see it as you see it - in short, to visualize
it so clearly that he can build it piece by piece in his
own mind as a child builds a house of blocks, or puts
together the pieces of a picture puzzle."

After getting your prospect's attention your job is to
start the process of making them desire your product or
service. And what is one of the most effective ways to
accomplish this task?

Through vivid, intense word pictures that tickle your
reader's senses. Here's how.

Your sale must be made in your prospect's mind before they
will take their credit cards out of their wallet or purse
and go through all the trouble of filling out an order

Your word pictures must be strong enough to make her want
your "thing" more than the money or the trouble or money it
will cost her. Here are some examples:

If selling fruit, how about describing it as sweet as
"honey such as Cleopatra served to Antony."

If you are describing the way your prospect would struggle
to create an online business on their own, how about saying
that it would be "like painting a battleship with a

If selling your marketing services, how about describing
the problem of not advertising by saying, "The company with
a good product that does not advertise is like a man who
whispers himself in the desert."

Are you beginning to see the value in creating word
pictures that stimulate your reader's senses and emotions?
Here are some shorter word pictures you can use to drive
your points home further.

The following are taken from a legandary marketing book,
"The Robert Collier Letter Book."

"About Ginger Ale: The lore which enters its making is akin
to the lore of the wine-makers of France - a formula and
process handed down from father to son. Only three men know
the secret of its charm and vivacity, its mellow glow and
friendliness. You will find in it stimulation like that of
mountain air."

"Silverware: The cheerful hum of voices, the steaming
kettle, the cup that cheers, and Silver plate with its
satiny surface catching every light."

"A Book: If you are one of the live, wide-awake men who
welcome the rush and tumult of great daring and big
adventure, who believe that there is nothing better for
tired brains or tired bodies than the healthy, blood-
tingling, mind-quickening stimulation of a good story,

Do you see how you can take your prospects on a mental
journey through imaginative word pictures? If you can get
them to see your product or service the way YOU see it, you
have a great shot at making the sale in their MINDS, which
will then manifest into cash in the bank.

So let me leave you with one of the most famous word
pictures of all time, from a man who used word pictures to
make him and his clients a fortune. From David Ogilvy:

"It takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers
and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising
contains a big idea, it will pass like a ship in the

Don't make your marketing as silent and unobtrusive as a
ship passing in the night. Use vivid word pictures to give
your product or service LIFE.

About the Author:
The lazy marketer's way to build a unique, top quality, and
successful online business without all the usual headache
and frustration! To get in on the action Leo Lucianis
insists you rush over to:

That is all for today.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Everyday Business Online Free Classifieds
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion