EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

EBONews - Unique Resources for the New Year

EBONews - Saturday, December 30, 2006

In this Issue:

- Happy New Year

- The unique system

- List building.

Hello Everyone,

First of all, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas (if
you celebrate it) and I wish you all a very Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Internet Marketing just keeps getting better and better.
I know it can be confusing and time consuming to search
and find the right tools and resources for your business.
It is the intention of this newsletter to help you with that.
I have included below a couple great resources to help
you get your Internet Marketing off to a prosperous
start in the New Year.

I mentioned this in my last edition, if you haven't seen it yet,
you should have a look now.

This is one of the most unique systems that I have seen
in a long while. It can help increase your online earnings
and you can join for free. Just copy and paste a code
onto your website and that's it.

And even if you don't have a website yet, you can still use
this system and skyrocket your affiliate earnings.

Get your free account here:

Recently Glen Hopkins launched his much anticipated print
book, "Lucrative List Building".

The very same day that he launched it, the book became a
#1 Best-Seller.

As you know, list building is key to your online success and
Glen's book details how everyday people, with no experience,
are building huge, highly profitable opt-in email lists from scratch
to make millions online.

And here's the great thing...

When you buy the ebook today you'll also get over $4,723
worth of audio and digital downloads and... you'll get the

Where else can you get over $4,723 worth of products and
a must-read book to boot with the resale rights?

Don't miss out. Grab it ALL now:

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Monday, December 18, 2006

Check out this Free Resource... it's Amazing.

Hello Everyone,

Do you have 15 minutes?

I just found a unique system that could earn you an extra
$50-$200 a day. All you have to do is join for free, get a
code and paste to your site. It'll take only 15 minutes.

And even if you don't have a website yet, you can still use
this system and skyrocket your affiliate earnings.

Don't delay and get your free account before they close the
door for new members. Click here.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
P.S. If you earn only $50 a day through this system,
It's $1500 a month. Not bad for 15 minutes of work.
Go and get your free account NOW.

Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

EBONews - Another Way To Generate Revenue...

EBONews - Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hello Everyone,

If you are looking for another way to generate more
revenue from your website, you should have a look at

I am very surprised that more is not being said about
SearchFeed. All the attention has been on Google
Adsense, however SearchFeed is a great addition or

One of the great things about SearchFeed is that it allows
you to maintain the existing look and feel of your site. You
would hardly be able to know they are ads! Unlike Google
who requires that you keep the ugly "Ads by Gooooogle"
on all the ad blocks.

I was contacted by SearchFeed over a year ago through
my crafts site. They sent me some sites to view to see how
SearchFeed is integrated on those pages. The first two sites
that I visited, I could not find the ads at all. They fit in so well
with the website copy, that I couldn't tell that they were ads.

If you want to see a sample of SearchFeed ads, have a look
at my crafts site, "Sue's CrochetandKnitting.com"

Did you see the SearchFeed ads?

If you couldn't, have a look at Everyday Business Online
I've made it a little easier for you to find them. Under the
write-up about Advertising Resources, you will see
"Related Resources". Those are from SearchFeed.

See how well they blend in with the site. SearchFeed
makes it easy to create the ad blocks. When you create
your account at SearchFeed go to "Integration Tools",
select "Dynamic Feed Creator".

That is where you select how you want the ad block to
look. I chose "0" for the border, as I feel that it fits in
my site's content better. You can select the background
color and border color, if you are using a border.

Then you put in the keyword or keyword phrase for the
content that you want the ad block to display.

There is no option for setting the font, but you can do
that after you copy and paste the code into your web
page. The default font is "verdana, size 1". Just locate
that in code and change it to the same font as your
web page. I chose "arial, size 2".

SearchFeed has detailed reports such as "Searches
Report", "Detailed Clicks Report", "Keyword Clicks
Summary", "Click Revenue Report" and "Account
Balance Report".

Have a look at SearchFeed. It's a free and easy way
to generate more income from you website.
Click Here for SearchFeed.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Friday, December 08, 2006

EBONews - Gifts for You

EBONews - Friday, December 8, 2006

In this issue:

- Have you joined yet?

- Free Christmas gifts for you!

Hello Everyone,

Have you joined AGLOCO yet?

AGLOCO is the first company in a long while that
is sharing this value with all its members. It's free and
easy to join -- and even easier to use - you just use
the Internet like you always do.

You download a small viewbar that sits on the bottom of
your computer screen. While you are surfing the net, you
get paid by just having it running. The viewbar will display
ads, and you only need to run it 5 hours per month.

You don't want to miss out on this. When you join, go into
your member's area and play around with the calculator.
You will be amazed at the earnings per month with even
a small downline!

Click here and get your own free membership and tell your
friends about the company. AGLOCO is going to make 2007
a very interesting year for online marketers!

Christmas Gifts For You!:

$4,570 in quality self-development tools that you’ll cherish for
years to come. Here are a few of the gifts that you can pick up
right now:
- Holistic Healing Secrets
- Overcoming Addictions Book
- Advanced Memory Course
- 47 Secret Herbal Remedies
- 177 Ways to Burn Those Calories
- Two FREE Hypnosis Downloads
- How to Get the Truth Out of Anyone
- Relaxation Screensaver - with 250+ Images
Click Here to get all this and MUCH MORE.

$3,780 in quality writing books and software that you’ll cherish
for years to come. Here are a few of the gifts that you can pick up
right now:
- Lifetime Access to My Writers Circle
- Novel Writing Software
- WriteSparks! Software
- Great Ideas for Fiction
- 12-Step Inspiration Program
- Writing Success Secrets
- The Art of Writing
- Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
- How to Sell EVERYTHING You Write
Click Here to get all this and MUCH MORE.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources