EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Friday, December 07, 2007

This is an Emergency!

EBONews - Friday, December 7, 2007

Hello Everyone,

That was the subject line of a message I got from Mike

I was curious. What is this "emergency" he is speaking of?

Well, when I read the short email, I was intrigued.

He said, "All you have to do is join... and get paid!
Nothing like this exists!"

So I went to check out the site.

While there, it showed me what I would be earning now
if I enrolled and locked it in. All I had to do was sign up.

So I enrolled and got an activation code and preceded to
learn more about it. By the time I had read over the site,
which was nothing I had ever seen before, my balance had
more than doubled!

This just launched last night. Mike knows the guys that
own this program. They are very close friends and business
partners of his and he says they pay on time like clockwork.

This is an amazing new program with a MUST SEE product
line and a revolutionary "Moneyline" plan that guarantees
you will earn commissions your FIRST day on the team!

Yes, you read that right... JOIN the Moneyline NOW
and at the end of the FIRST day that you join your first
commission share will be available to you to take to the

Click Here!

The only requirement is to join. That's it! No selling, no
advertising, no nothing!!

Simply enroll at the link below to lock in your position.
You will immediately see your 60 days worth of Moneyline
Shares begin to grow.

That's not all, you have the power to make them grow
MUCH faster. That is because the second you secure
your position by joining, the growth of your shares will
EXPLODE because ALL new members will be forced
to enroll under YOU in the Moneyline!

Within the Members site you will get immediate access to
the product which is referred to as "The Vault". The Vault
is packed full of amazing, little known ways that YOU can
make even more money.

So act FAST, join now and watch in REAL TIME as
thousands join below you!

Go here now!

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
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