EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

EBONews - Where Do You Go from Here?

EBONews - Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In this Issue:

- 7 Dollar Offers

- Where Do You Go from Here?

Hello Everyone,

Do you have a product based on the $7 Secrets method of selling reports for huge profit?

If so, you can add it to This Directory FREE of charge.

Check it out and see what types of reports people are
creating. The categories on the left hand column will help
you to come up with some ideas of your own.

I absolutely love this article! It is posted on my site at
but I wanted to send the whole article here to you today.
I'm sure it will inspire you all, no matter what your age.
Keep reading... this is so inspiring.

Where Do You Go from Here?
- By Tony Mase

In response to my recent article "Are You Missing
Something?", (Editor note: you can read that article at
I received a question from one of my customers that went
that went something like this (I've edited out the personal

"Your answer to the "want to win the lottery" question was
truly disheartening."

"As a 71 year old widow there is no way for me to get
employment let alone get into some sort of business."

"My only hope of a better life in my old age is to work
towards manifesting a lottery win."

"Now, apparently there is no hope of this either."

"Where do I go from here?"

Good question. :-)

Interestingly enough...

I received several very similarly worded questions, *all* of
which began with or included something like...

"I'm 40-something and I can't __________"...


"I'm 50-something and I can't __________"...


"I'm 60-something and I can't __________"...


Like this one...

"I'm 70-something and I can't __________"...

In other words...

They all included a statement of their age, followed by what
they *couldn't* do as a result of it, and that their only
"hope" for a better life was "manifesting (there's that word
again :-)) a lottery win".


Where should these good folks go from here?


For starters...

I'd *highly* recommend they stop talking about age...


*Their* age...


In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles,
best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of
Getting Rich", wrote:

"Is it worth while to achieve health, wealth, and ability
if, when we reach the age of forty five or fifty years, we
are to begin to lose it all - to begin to go down hill, grow
slower of step, dimmer of vision, steadily weaker in mind
and body until we are reduced to absolute helplessness and
dependence? If we go the common way of the world, just as we
become most effective we shall begin to become ineffective;
just as we gain what we want, we shall begin to lose it all.
If one is to be counted "old" and "a has been," a "back
number" at fifty, life is hardly worth while."

How true! :-)


I don't know where it comes from...

Maybe it's a throwback to our childhood, when we were tossed
such gems of wisdom as "now that you're eight, you can't
__________ anymore" or "act your age"...


In my opinion...

"Age" and what you can or can't do at a certain age, is a
mental concept more than it's anything else.


Like any mental concept...

It can be changed!

How, you ask?


Let me share with you how I did it.

A number of years ago...

To no end of the amusement of people who know me...

I decided I wasn't going to have age anymore...

In other words...

I became "ageless"!


I'm not kidding you. :-)

I don't talk about age...

I don't think about age...

I don't celebrate birthdays...

I just *am*!

If you were to ask my own son how "old" his daddy is, he'd
tell you his daddy doesn't have age, he's "ageless".


Once "age" is off the table...

Your possibilities are endless, aren't they?

Who says *you* can't get employment?

I knew a lady who took an early retirement at age 62, after
the company she worked for was bought out.

Bored out of her mind and not real happy that, on her
pension, she couldn't do all the "shopping" she used to be
able to do ("shopping" was her absolute favorite pastime :-
)), after a few months she went to work for another company
retiring again at age 83 with another pension.

Where's it written that *you* can't start your own business?

If Ray Kroc could start McDonald's at age 52...

If Harland Sanders could start Kentucky Fried Chicken at age

You can certainly start a part-time, home-based business to
supplement your pension and live a "better life".

Don't have the "skills" you say?

Odds are you have far more "skills" than you give yourself
credit for...


Those you don't have are easily developed.

The bottom line key is this...

Remove the "mental block" that says...

"I'm 40-something and I can't __________"...


"I'm 50-something and I can't __________"...


"I'm 60-something and I can't __________"...


"I'm 70-something and I can't __________"...


A whole new universe of endless possibilities will reveal
itself to you!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of The Science of Abundant Life
ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...
"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"Jesus: The Man and His Work" by Wallace D. Wattles
"The Personal Power Course" by Wallace D. Wattles

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

EBONews - New! 100% Commissions for you.

EBONews - Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Did you get all the emails about "Day Job Killer"
recently? I think I got more than 20 emails
promoting that product.

I never bought it, as it was quite expensive. Instead I
bought something different. So if the $97 investment
for "Day Job Killer" was too much for you, well now
there's a bonafide alternative. It goes for only $5 and
it also pays 100% instant commissions.

It's called "The Day Job Crusher".

I love the way this book is written! It reads like a novel.
He starts out by telling his story of how he wanted to quit
his day job, how he found out about internet marketing,
his early struggles, the late nights on the internet trying to
learn all that he could. Anyone reading his story will be
saying "oh yeah, I can relate to that".

He goes on to tell what he tried that did not work, how
he found out what did work, how it turned his life around.
This book is very well written and informative and filled
with a lot of ideas.

Then he goes on to tell you in detail what exactly does
work so you, too, can quit your day job just as he did.
I can't tell you anymore than that, you'll have to read the
book yourself. And at only $5, it's affordable for everyone!

Here are just a few of the things you'll learn:

==>> How To Make Money Even If You have No
products, No list, No money, Are Dead Broke,
Frustrated and Hate Your Current Life Sucking
Day Job!

==>> How To Generate TONS, And TONS Of
Traffic FAST (in less than a week!)

==>> How To Separate Yourself From 99% Of The
Internet Marketers Who Never Make A Dime Online
And Never Will!

==>> How To Quadruple Your Revenue In "Hungry
Markets" By Using Specific Techniques That Drive
Traffic To Your Web Site

==>> How To Set Up Backend Products (for bigger

==>> How To Write Sales Copy That Actually Converts
Visitors Into Buyers!

==>> And much more.

This 90 page publication is Absolute Gold. You'll have
in your hands a publication that just Flat-Out Destroys
anything you've ever read on Internet Marketing, Success
and Getting Rich.

Right now you can pick it up for $5 (and earn 100%
commissions if you want to promote it yourself).

Check it out now...

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Monday, February 05, 2007

EBONews - What are you good at?

EBONews - Monday, February 5, 2007

Hello Everyone,

In the last issue I wrote about "The $7 Secret" which tells
you how to create small inexpensive reports that sell like

However, I forgot to mention that with "The $7 Secret"
comes all the scripts and html pages that you need to set
it up to run automatically and have the payments sent to
your PayPal account. It couldn't be any easier.
Check it out now.

You may think the hard part is trying to think of something
to write about in a small (about 30 pages) report.

Everyone is good at something. There are many, many
topics that could be written about.

If you ask yourself "What am I good at?" what answers
would you give?

I'm sure many of you will quickly think of what you are
good at, while others may think they are not good at
anything. But everyone is good at something, even if
they think they aren't. They just need to stop and think
about it for awhile.

Let me give you some ideas.

I like crafts, especially crochet and knitting. I create
my own designs which I post for free on my crafts
site. I give these away free because it brings in a lot
of traffic and is very relevant, useful content for my

I could design some new patterns, about 3 or 4, pack
them into an inexpensive report and I'm sure they would

I look around my neighborhood and I see that everyone
is good at something. I see people who like to ski, hunt,
snowmobile, biking, walking, hiking, interior decorating,
crafts, gardening, landscaping, work on small motors,
work on vehicles, painting vehicles, repair bicycles, raise
horses, horse back riding, raising pets, sewing, painting,
hockey, baseball, figure skating, video games, wood crafts,
swimming, computers, minor computer repairs, cooking,
homemade beer and wines, hair styling and cutting, guitar,
piano, songwriting.

One of my neighbors is into motorcycles. He has several
of them and he is always out shining them up and keeping
them in tip top shape. He could easily write a report on
how to keep your motorcycle in good running order and
looking good too.

If you are good at internet marketing, you could take the
one aspect that you are best at, for example, how to get
traffic to your site or how to write ads that get the sales,
and write a small report about it.

This is only a tiny example of what could be written into
small inexpensive reports. There are undoubtedly many,
many more ideas.

If you think this is something you could do, which I'm
sure that most anyone could, you'll want to check it out
for more information on exactly how to do it.
Click here.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

Thursday, February 01, 2007

EBONews - The Lucky Number?

EBONews - Thursday, February 1, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Is the number 7 really the magic or lucky number?

Have you ever heard the saying "Lucky 7"? There are lottos
called something like "Super 7", "Pick 7" and so on.

A lot of information products sold online seem to be priced
with the number 7 in them, such as 47, 67, 97, 197, 297, 497,
and 997. They can get to be very expensive, and most of them
seem to end with the number 7.

Whether the number 7 is magically or just a superstition, it
seems to be one of the most popular numbers.

Recently Jonathan Leger sold a "how to ma'ke mo'ney" report
for only $7 and generated over $3000 in just 7 days. Well
now, he's spilling the secrets of making a killing with
low-cost info products. It is called "$7 Secrets"..... and,
did you guess? It only costs $7!

Creating low-cost info products that pull in the bucks isn't
limited to the Internet marketing niche. You can duplicate
his method in ANY niche. I just read his report and I am
amazed about the high quality information he has packed into
the 33 pages.

In a world of digital info products that seem to be so over
priced, all that I can say is, Well done, Jonathan! You are
a bright and shining light to all online marketers who have
been searching for a way to earn online.

Click here to read more about it.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources

EBONews - Could This Be a Break-Through?

EBONews - Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hello Everyone,

One of the biggest challenges online money makers face
is building their downlines. For most people, this can be
a major obstacle preventing them from making money on
the Internet.

There is a new program which recently started and is
being labeled as "An Amazing Break-Through In Internet

This company will automatically build you a number of
downlines using proven programs (proven to make-money).
Their innovative marketing system is uniquely designed with
automation in mind.

The system is specifically designed to build up everyone's
downline. Not just those who get in early. This alone is truly
an awesome feature! Earlybirds, latecomers, everyone benefits....
and with practically no effort on your part.

There are No-Costs, No-Commitments, No-Obligations,
Nothing To Lose. And it's available world wide.

The minimum you should do is sign up for free and discover
what they have developed and how you can instantly benefit
from it. Then, if you're not impressed you can simply cancel
your account.

Have a look here:

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
Check out our Advertising Resources