EBONews - Online Advertising and Marketing

Tips and information on advertising online, website promotion, business and marketing.

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Missing Key to your Success

EBONews - Monday, December 31, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I want to wish you all a very happy and prosperous
new year!

To help make 2008 your year for great success
financially, in business, relationships, etc. keep reading.....

You've tried Manifesting.

You're doing everything recommended in The Secret.
You've experimented with Cosmic Ordering. You've
learned about Quantum Physics and the Law of

But you're STILL not getting great results, right?

Bradley Thompson knows why.

He's manifested a dream lifestyle over the past twenty
years - and he knows the TWO MISSING STEPS
that "The Secret" doesn't tell you.

He'll prove to you that manifesting works brilliantly
-- BUT ONLY when you follow his six step system.

Not only that, he'll hand over $150 if it DOESN'T
work for you.

I urge you to learn more.

Click Here - TODAY!


To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Have we been lied to?

EBONews - Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Google is like the Holy Grail of marketing on the web.
Rank well in Google and your profits are pretty much set.

But there is SO MUCH bogus information out there,
often coming from the "gurus" themselves.

On January 9th, 2008, Jonathan Leger is releasing a
new free report that completely obliterates the following
myths about Google (and then goes on to show you what
DOES work):

Myth #1: Google Knows All and Sees All
Myth #2: Google Will Not Rank Duplicate Content
Myth #3: You Must Get Links From Related Subject Sites to Rank
Myth #4: Your Site Must Focus On One Subject To Rank
Myth #5: High PageRank Means Good Rankings
Myth #6: To Maintain Good Rankings, You Must Add New Content

MYTH #7: THE BIGGEST MYTH: Ranking In Google Is Hard!

The site is in pre-launch now, but if you sign up early you
will get a sample chapter full of proof and details.

And did I mention he'll pay you for referring other people
to this powerful free report? And that he'll pay you for
anyone THEY refer as well (even while it's in pre-launch)?
Find out more about that when you download your sample
chapter from this site.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Friday, December 28, 2007

Don't let your income die along with this...

EBONews - Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

If you've ever been slightly serious about making money
online, you cannot afford to skip this message.

The gurus have been saying it for years, but it's finally
happened. Email marketing is dying quickly, and there's
nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Fortunately, there is a solution... Don't let your income
die along with email marketing. Visit this site and save
yourself before it's too late.

Be smart and jump on this now... Your Internet income
is literally on the line here.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Freebies for you!


A lot of great freebies for you today!

* FREE Motivator Software! - Discover How to Achieve
Your WILDEST DREAMS... With a SECRET Computer
Tool YOU Can Install TODAY.

* Writers Giveaway - $3,780 in quality writing books and
software for Writers, Authors, and Screenwriters.

* Self-Growth Giveaway - $4,570 in quality self-development
tools, such as "How to Get the Truth Out of Anyone", "Mind
Mapping Software" to Boost your creativity and intelligence,
"Holistic Healing Secrets", "Overcoming Addictions Book",
and much more.

* Software Giveaway - Download Over $3,920 in FREE
Windows Power User Software & Privacy Utilities such as
"Ultimate Web Editor", "The New Office", "Total FTP",
"Paint Shop", "The Ultimate Privacy Suite" and much more.

And be sure to check out our Freebies page for more

I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday!

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Get this Easy Website Building Software for $0!

EBONews - Sunday, December 16, 2007

In this issue:
- Free website building software
- Update on the free Pay Per Play program.

Hello Everyone,

Here's a quick and simple way for you to
build your own website for free:

Click here!

This is a top-notch software worth $197 you can
download for free instantly!

It comes with:

* Zero HTML knowledge required
* Easy step-by-step video instructions
* Over 100+ in-built website templates
* Instant one-click website publishing
* And much more!

You can build *unlimited* websites with this
and it's super easy to use...

Make sure you download it now before it's gone:
Click here!

==> Pay Per Play
The new free opportunity to earn revenue on 100%
of your website traffic has a short video about it.

Or, if you prefer to read, you can find out more by
clicking here.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Get paid on 100% of your website traffic

EBONews - Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hello Everyone,

A new innovative technology has been developed and
it aims to rival the Google AdSense program. Now
there is a way for you to earn money on 100% of your
web traffic without selling anything and without visitors
having to click on anything.

As a matter of fact your website visitors don't have to
do anything at all and you get paid.

How is this possible?

Sound too good to be true?

This is a free opportunity for you or your company to
share in billions of dollars of new found advertising revenue
that was formerly reserved for major television networks.
Click here.

As you may know, major television networks are in
trouble because their advertising revenue is dropping.
They are losing market share at a dramatic pace.

Advertisers like Harley Davidson, HBO & Taco Bell
are willing to pay you on 100% of your website traffic
to make up for the loss of viewers that the big TV
networks are experiencing.

A revolution in advertising is taking place, millions of
dollars are being earned, will you miss the boat?
Stop what you are doing for just a moment and learn
how you could earn revenue on 100% of your website
traffic. Go here now!

Last week I told you about the Moneyline.
Click here now to see what today's money pool
is at. You could have a share of that tonight.

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Friday, December 07, 2007

This is an Emergency!

EBONews - Friday, December 7, 2007

Hello Everyone,

That was the subject line of a message I got from Mike

I was curious. What is this "emergency" he is speaking of?

Well, when I read the short email, I was intrigued.

He said, "All you have to do is join... and get paid!
Nothing like this exists!"

So I went to check out the site.

While there, it showed me what I would be earning now
if I enrolled and locked it in. All I had to do was sign up.

So I enrolled and got an activation code and preceded to
learn more about it. By the time I had read over the site,
which was nothing I had ever seen before, my balance had
more than doubled!

This just launched last night. Mike knows the guys that
own this program. They are very close friends and business
partners of his and he says they pay on time like clockwork.

This is an amazing new program with a MUST SEE product
line and a revolutionary "Moneyline" plan that guarantees
you will earn commissions your FIRST day on the team!

Yes, you read that right... JOIN the Moneyline NOW
and at the end of the FIRST day that you join your first
commission share will be available to you to take to the

Click Here!

The only requirement is to join. That's it! No selling, no
advertising, no nothing!!

Simply enroll at the link below to lock in your position.
You will immediately see your 60 days worth of Moneyline
Shares begin to grow.

That's not all, you have the power to make them grow
MUCH faster. That is because the second you secure
your position by joining, the growth of your shares will
EXPLODE because ALL new members will be forced
to enroll under YOU in the Moneyline!

Within the Members site you will get immediate access to
the product which is referred to as "The Vault". The Vault
is packed full of amazing, little known ways that YOU can
make even more money.

So act FAST, join now and watch in REAL TIME as
thousands join below you!

Go here now!

To your success,

Sue Norrad
Everyday Business Online
12, 000 Free Ads - One Click Insertion

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

3 Big Mistakes Readers of "The Science of Getting Rich Make"

Recently resurrected from its relative obscurity,
Wallace D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old
classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich",
has quickly become *THE* book to read on the subject
of getting rich.


Most of those who read this powerful book won't get rich.


But absolutely true!

Why not, you ask?

The answer is simple...

They make one or more of these three big mistakes:

Big Mistake #1 - They read edited, revised, and/or
poorly done versions of "The Science of Getting Rich".

There are a number of versions of "The Science of
Getting Rich" available both offline and online,
many of which are edited, revised, and/or poorly done
containing serious errors.

In order for you to get rich scientifically, using
"The Science of Getting Rich", it's vitally important
that you follow Wallace D. Wattles' "system" *exactly*
as Wallace D. Wattles originally wrote it, *NOT* as
some "co-author", editor, scanner, and/or translator
decided that it should've been written.


If you want to get results from "The Science of Getting

My advice is to...

Only read versions of "The Science of Getting Rich"
that were taken, with care, directly from the original
and that haven't been edited, revised, and/or translated.

Big Mistake #2 - They mix systems.

In Chapter 10 of "The Science of Getting Rich" ("Further
Use of the Will"), Wallace D. Wattles wrote:

"Others still are poor because, while they have some
notion of science, they have become so swamped and
lost in the maze of metaphysical and occult theories
that they do not know which road to take. They try a
mixture of many systems and fail in all."

Here's the deal...

If you want results from "The Science of Getting Rich",
it's vitally important that you follow the *one* "system"
Wallace D. Wattles laid out in it and follow that *one*
system *ONLY*!


As Wallace D. Wattles wrote later in the same chapter:

"After you have made good and become rich, you may
study other systems as much as you please; but until
you are quite sure that you have gained what you want,
do not read anything on this line but this book, unless
it be the authors mentioned in the Preface."

I've found this to be wise advice...

As a matter of fact...

It's some of the wisest advice that I've ever read. :-)

Big Mistake #3 - They don't take action.

And this one's the "biggie"...

Most folks who read "The Science of Getting Rich"...

Absolutely love the book...

They love to read it...

They love to study it...

They love to talk about it...

They love to theorize about it...

They love to philosophize about it...


When it comes down to taking action on its proven
scientific principles...


They never get around to believing the fundamental
principles on which it's based...

They never get around to getting off the competitive
plane of life...

They never get around to creating a vision of what
they want...

They never get around to taking action with faith
and purpose...

They never get around to taking efficient action...



They never get the results it promises!

Don't let that be you. :-)

About the Author:

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life"
ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles
"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles
together with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of
Being Well", "The Science of Being Great", "How to
Promote Yourself", "The New Science of Living and
Healing" and "Hell-fire Harrison". Click Here